Offsetting carbon emissions
with useful 
carbon offset projects

Shall we or should´nt we -
voluntarily offsetting CO2-Emissions?

Sitting out climate problems by ignorance or repression can´t be the solution...

... far away and superior to that would be, for example, to become aware of, reduce and best eliminate CO2 emissions by identifying their CO2 footprint.

However, as long as this "shutdown" is not yet possible, carbon offsetting is the best way to get rid of emissions quickly and effectively.

This creates time for the development of further innovations or mechanisms in the field of voluntary climate protection. So yes, it makes sense to know your carbon footprint - and YES, offsetting CO2 emissions is an investment in the future!

Offsetting carbon emissions -
first step or better last?

As the most effective activity in the short-term, necessary
climate protection we see as natureOffice the voluntary
offsetting of CO2 emissions as the first step.

The approach Avoid - Reduce (which is justified), however, suggests a temporal sequence of actions that does not correspond to the actual time sequence.

Avoiding and reducing emissions is certainly economically and morally right, but it is contrary to the goal of the world's maximum reduction of CO2 emissions.

Companies should be pursued in parallel, both for reasons of cost efficiency.

Avoiding, reducing and offsetting.

Offsetting only "unavoidable" CO2-emissions?

Yes, the "avoid-reduce-offset" approach is often linked to the statement that only unavoidable greenhouse gas emissions should be compensated.


No. Looking at the corporate communications of some companies, one could believe that only the "unavoidable" CO2 emissions were given permission to be offset.
The prerequisite for offsetting carbon emissions is first of all to avoid emissions, then to reduce unavoidable CO2 emissions through various efficiency measures and only then to offset CO2 emissions, which can not be further reduced.

For us as natureOffice, this approach certainly has its justification, but inevitably leads to putting the offsetting of CO2-emissions  in the ranking of climate protection measures in last place.

Likewise, the avoidance and reduction activities that have not yet been implemented provide sufficient legitimacy for why, as a company, it is not necessary to offset CO2 emissions.

Also, the approach that only "unavoidable" greenhouse gas emissions should be balanced is a precondition that does not exist. For who determines what can be avoided? Is a vacation trip or a car drive avoidable? Since this is subjective, there can be no precondition of this kind.

Offsetting carbon emissions? What can i do?

No matter how efficiently a company manufactures goods and how economically it uses energy, there will be emitted an amount of CO2 inevitably. These unavoidable emissions can be offset!

Carbon neutral

Get involved conveniantly in climate protection
and create added value for print shops,
customers, the climate and the people.

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Carbon neutral

Generate a positive effect for the climate and your image with your individual climate 
protection solution.

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Carbon neutral

Increase the value of your product and
stand out from the market with reflected


Carbon neutral shipping

send´n´save - the solution from one of the leading bsp´s, for offsetting CO2-emissions occuring by shipping letters and parcels

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Carbon neutral

Cars, trucks, aviation, rail, shipping – climate killer mobility. Now you can drive carbon neutral with a clear conscience!

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Carbon neutral

Run your website carbon neutral by avoiding CO2-emissions of internet usage. The easiest way of true climateprotection.

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Carbon neutral

Carbon neutral removals are very
inexpensive and definitely
good for the climate.


Carbon neutral

Carbon neutral events are announced and an easy step towards more sustainability in your company.


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Together with our customers we protect the climate with a major co-benefit:
improving the living conditions of people in developing countries.


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11 reasons for 
Carbon Offsetting

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